

Spello - Umbrisches Land

  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 001
  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 002
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  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 007
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  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 012
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  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 014
  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 015
  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 016
  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 017
  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 018
  • Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 019
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Spello Umbrisches-Land Umbrien Lunario gallery 001



Spello - Umbrisches Land

Via Fonte del Mastro, 9 Spello Umbria Italy
Gäste: 6
3 Schlafzimmer
4 Badezimmer

LAGE: panoramisch, in der Stadt,
Stil: Charme, Traditioneller Stil

Preis (min/max): $ 5,230 / $ 5,905 Nächte

  • Beschreibung
  • Service
  • LAGE
  • Bewertung
  • strong Spello ein kleiner Ort in Umbrien unweit des ber uuml hmten Assissi strong ist zweifellos eine der kostbarsten Perlen der Region nicht umsonst geh ouml rt er den quot ... Lesen Sie mehr >>

    Lunario - Gäste: 6 - Schlafzimmer: 3 (3 Doppelzimmer) - Badezimmer: 4 - Größe: 180 mq

    (Tor zur kleiner Straße, einige Stufen führen hinunter zur für Mahlzeiten im Freien ausgestatteten Veranda und zum Garten mit Blick)

    Eingang in eine große Küche mit Esstisch (Spülmaschine, Kaffeemaschine, Minibackofen, 2 Backöfen, Grill), großes Doppelwohnzimmer mit Essbereich, Satelliten-TV und Surround-System-Stereoanlage von Bang&Olufsen in Teilen des Hauses und im Garten (Zugang auch von der Veranda),
    1 Doppelzimmer (Master Bedroom) mit extra-breitem Bett, TV, altem Kamin und Panoramafenstern, begehbarer Kleiderschrank,
    1 Bad mit  Dusche

    Die Treppe zum
    führt in ein Arbeitszimmer mit Schlafcouch,
    1 Doppelzimmer (Ethnic Bedroom) auf 2 Ebenen mit TV (Doppelfuton) und Panoramafenstern,
    1 Bad mit Dusche.

    ERDGESCHOSS (mit Zugang nur vom Garten aus):
    1 Doppelzimmer mit TV (Garden Bedroom) mit angeschlossenem kleinen offenen Bad mit Dusche.
    Parkplatz auf Anfrage.

  • Spello, ein kleiner Ort in Umbrien, unweit des berühmten Assissi, ist zweifellos eine der kostbarsten Perlen der Region: nicht umsonst gehört er den "Schönsten Orten Italiens" an, einer Organisation, die nur diejenigen Orte aufnimmt, die ihre Monumente und Meisterwerke der Kunst in perfekter architektonischer Harmonie erhalten haben und gleichzeitig über eine Lebensqualität verfügen, die unseren Zeiten einen neuen Rhythmus und Genuss verleihen kann. Im Ring seiner Mauern, in den engen, gut gepflegten Gassen voller Blumen, in den typischen Turmhäusern und auf den einladenden Plätzen voller Leben finden Sie alle Zeugen seiner weit zurückreichenden Geschichte.

    Lunario steht in perfektem Einklang mit dem großen Charme dieses kleinen Ortes: es wird den Gästen schwerfallen, sich nicht in beide zu verlieben. Das in der Altstadt liegende Haus entstand aus einer alten Kirche und wurde von den Eigentümern mit absoluter Sorgfalt restauriert. Von einer kleinen Straße aus betreten Sie durch ein Tor direkt den wunderschönen Garten des Hauses, der einen großartigen Blick auf die Hügel und die davor liegende Ebene bietet. Eine antike, für Mahlzeiten im Freien ausgestattete Veranda, schattige Winkel zum Lesen und Ausruhen, bequeme Liegen zum Sonnenbaden: alles harmonisiert, und die Einzelheiten sind mit viel Stil und Geschmack ausgewählt. Dies gilt ebenso für das Innere des Hauses, wo sogar die Details mit ihrer Eleganz und Klasse überraschen.
    Die Atmosphäre ist warm, einladend und bequem, die Bäder sind mit kostbaren Materialien bereichert, die Schlafzimmer mit ihren unterschiedlichen Stilen besitzen alle einen großen Charme.

    Der Hauptplatz des Ortes und alle seine Dienstleistungen, die berühmten Weinhandlungen, die Geschäfte mit ihren vielen typischen Produkten und die vielen guten Restaurants sind mit wenigen Schritten zu erreichen.

    In der warmen Jahreszeit können sich die Gäste im kleinen Pool (2,80x5 m; Tiefe: 1,30m) erfrischen, das kürzlich sehr harmonievoll in einer Ecke des panoramischen Gartens angelegt wurde. Kleine Hunde sind zu besonderen Bedingungen erlaubt.

    Gäste, die mit dem Auto anreisen, erhalten von der Eigentümerin eine besondere Erlaubnis zum Befahren der Zone (nur für Anwohner) und können 50 Meter vom Haus entfernt parken.

    Im Haus ist das Rauchen verboten.

    Zur selben Anlage gehören zwei weitere Häuser, die jedoch komplett eigenständig sind: Casa del Mastro und Casetta del Lunario, die die Aufnahmefähigkeit bei großen Gruppen um bis zu 15 Personen erweitern können.
    Casa del Mastro mit seinem privaten Swimming-Pool komuniziert durch ein internes Tor und durch den Garten, während Casetta del Lunario durch eine kleine Mauer und eine kleine Gasse getrennt ist.  
    Mindestaufenthalt 14 Tage Im Laufe des Monats August.

    CODICE CIN: IT054050B404015758

  • z​usätzl. Service
    • Privater Swimming-Pool 5 x 3 m
      Verfügbarkeit: 26/04/2025 - 18/10/2025
    • Klimaanlage in allen Schlafzimmern
    • Satelliten-TV
    • Stereo-Anlage mit CD-Spieler
    • DVD
    • Waschmaschine
    • Geschirrspüler
    • TV
    • Ofen
    • Wi-Fi-Verbindung
    • Garten Privatgelände
    • Privateparkplatz für 1 Auto
    • Nächster Lebensmittelladen: Spello 0.3 km
    • Bushaltestelle: Spello 0.3 km
    1 Set Bettwäsche und Handtücher pro Woche im Preis enthalten.
    Willkommen bei Ankunft ( frische Früchte, eine Flasche Wein, Mineralwasser).
  • PREISLISTE - 2025
    6 Gäste - Lunario
    Preise anzeigen
    29.03.2025 - 26.04.2025
    Mindestaufenthalt / Nächte
    $ 5,230
    26.04.2025 - 04.10.2025
    Mindestaufenthalt / Nächte
    $ 5,905
    04.10.2025 - 08.11.2025
    Mindestaufenthalt / Nächte
    $ 5,230

    1 Set Bettwäsche und Handtücher pro Woche im Preis enthalten.
    Willkommen bei Ankunft ( frische Früchte, eine Flasche Wein, Mineralwasser).
    Weitere Kosten, die bar vor Ort zu zahlen sind

    - Totale Endreiningungskosten: : € 250.00
    - Für den Aufenthalt über 7 Tage wird jeweils am Samstag die Reinigung durchgeführt und ist mit € € 250.00 zu entgelten
    - Gitterbett für Babys unter 2 Jahren € 80.00
    - Mögliche zusätzliche Reinigungsstunden auf Anfrage.
    - Möglicher Service für die Zubereitung von Abendessen (mit Reservierung 4 Wochen vor Ankunft) auf Anfrage.
    - Zusätzliche Dienstleistungen auf Anfrage (Weinverkostung, Weintouren, Kochkurse).
    - Wenn Sie ein Babybett wünschen, ist auch ein Hochstuhl im Preis inbegriffen (Babybett und Hochstuhl: Euro 80 pro Woche).
    - Endreinigung Euro 250, einschließlich Poolund Gartenpflege

    - Kaution: bei Ankunft in Euro vor Ort zu hinterlegen: € 500.00
    Haustiere Nicht erlaubt - Schwimmbad offen während des Zeitraums (Privatschwimmbad) 26 Apr 2025 - 18 Oct 2025
    Entfernung zu wichtigen Städten

    Spello - 0.3 km
    Foligno - 8 km
    Assisi - 13 km
    Rasiglia - 24 km
    Perugia - 31 km
    Spoleto - 35 km
    Deruta - 38 km
    Arezzo - 120 km
    Siena - 135 km
    Roma - 174 km
    Firenze - 177 km

    ​Entfernung zu Verkehrsmitteln

    Flugplatz: Perugia Sant'Egidio - 31 km
    Bahnhof: Spello - 1.5 km

    We spent a week of our honeymoon last spring in Spello and stayed at Lunario. What a wonderful time experiencing the town of Spello and the hospitality provided by House Manager. The villa was just what we had hoped for. It was perfect for us: very tastefully decorated with all the necessary features and the location was great. Within walking distance of everything in town and hiking and offered spectacular views. House Manager made us feel like family while going out of her way to make sure everything was perfect.
    This place is unique. The attention to detail, style, and the quality of the renovations in these apartements in Spello is spectacular. It is not easy to find rental apartments that have the same lovely decorations, linens, good lighting and great internet as you would find in a stared hotel.. However these apartments are the exception. They are well done, welcoming extremely clean beautifully decorated and have a beautiful view. I was officially on holidays but also needed to work so I very much appreciated the super fast internet. It was a lovely break in a beautiful area.
    Lovely villa in the historical center of Spello. We loved every detail of the house and the garden. Very charming and romantic place,
    we come definitly back to Lunario. Spello is one of the most beautiful villages we saw in Umbria and Tuscany.
    We are so grateful for our good fortune to have found Lunario and Spello.
    Lunario is truly a wonderful, serene and beautiful home. We loved pretending it was ours this week. Our only "regret" about our trip to Italy this year is that we did not spend both weeks here!!
    We are already making plans to return very soon. Thanks for your wonderful recommendations of restaurants and towns to visit. They were perfect.
    Grazie mille for sharing this wonderful home with us!
    Thank you sooo much for all your kindness to us during our stay! The owner and her lovely home made a memorable vacation for us. Thanks for all the great tips of things to see, thanks to Nabil for some great meals and thanks for all her persistence in chasing down our lost bag!! She gaves us service beyond expectations.
    We hope to be back again, ARRIVEDERCI!
    Lunario is a GEM!
    The perfect view, each hairspin bend in Spello reveals another stunning tableau.
    THE BEST REST! Your home is an very elegant and lovely retreat, perfectly positioned pool which Max spent many hours in.
    Thanks for all your help and service! MERCI pour votre gracieusete' e votre charme!
    Brian and family from Toronto
    Dear Owner,
    I just wanted to say thank you for the beautiful book about Umbria and the pretty bracelets you gave us. It was a very kind thought and a lovely end to our wonderful holiday!

    We had a good journey home and all have very happy memories of Spello and your beautiful house.

    With kind regards
    Barbara, Nigel, Esther and James.
    Spello and this perfectly glorious Villa far exceeded our expectations!
    Whilst we knew that we were going to enjoy Spello and we knew that this Villa was going to be beautiful, we had not expected the calm and serenity that this place brings!
    Thank you so much, Andrea for sharing this OASIS with us.
    Thank for all your suggestions and recommendations. This stunning Villa, beautifully decorated and fantastically well equipped. Just wish we had more time here!
    With much appreciations
    Lian and Craig from Melbourne / Australia
    Thank you very much for all your care & attention throughout our stay. We really had an amazing time here and are all very sad to be leaving. Spello is a very special village and we will definitly be back one day!! The house is perfect in every way, we feelt very at home and your attention to detail is impressive!!!! Also a great home for our children. Thanks again from Edwina, Larry, Ilario and Emilio
    Thank you so much for allowing us to enjoy your fantastic house. We hope to return some day! I know the children will miss the beautiful swimming pool which has been so refreshing during the hot past few days and we will miss the gorgeous views and "our" home in Spello. You have done a great job with the house & garden and we hope EVERYONE enjoys it as much as we have. Love Carole, Laurence, Jasmine and Coby from England
    we cannot express what a wonderful time our whole familt hat had in your beautiful Villa. The Villa is almost beautiful as you are, both inside and out. We will treasure these memories always and will think of you often. Ciao and thank you for everything you did for us! Donald
    We thought this villa looked wonderful when we rented it on the internet. The reality was even better. It is spacious and elegant. The grounds are lovely and well maintained by the unobtrusive but friendly gardener. We used only 2 of the bed rooms but they were both very large and well appointed. The bathrooms are beautiful. Little touches like fresh flowers in the bathrooms, lovely local body oil and fresh fruit and bottled water welcomed us on arrival.
    It was a truly wonderful place and we felt like we were living the life style of the rich and famous
    Thank you so much for your gracious hospitality, beautiful villa and wonderful Spello!!!! We had an amazing time....the cooking lessions, truffle hunt, incredible food and beautiful views. We are running out of adjectives! Owner was so seet to go out of her way to help us with computer problems. We felt very well taken care of! GRAZIE MILLE, Barbara, Richard and Daniel

    I just wanted to add my own thoughts...FABULOUS AMAZING EXTRAORDINARY, other than the soapdish it was PERFECT! Love Richard
    We will be back!!!!
    I just wanted to let you know what an amazing property Villa Lunario
    turned out to be ...the grounds, the view, the decor, all breathtaking.
    Owner was truly one of a kind. She made sure everything was perfect
    for us and wanted us to feel the villa was our home for that week. It
    was better than we could have imagined. You were extremely helpful,
    answering my many questions and allaying my fears. I have given your
    name to a few friends already.
    Mille grazie
    Our family had the most amazing vacation ever at Villa Lunario in Spello, Italy. The home is absolutely gorgeous and decorated with such attention to detail. We loved all the special touches that the owner, creates to make the villa so welcoming. From the fresh flowers to the beautiful gardens to the stunning views, every aspect of our vacation was perfect. The owner gave us so many wonderful recommendations for restaurants even acting as our own personal concierge by making reservations for us!

    We loved every room in the spotless villa, but we especially enjoyed our al fresco dining on the gorgeous patio. We would end each evening sitting together, listening to music, and drinking delicious local wines. The villa is perfectly located in the charming town of Spello and we loved that it was within walking distance to fantastic restaurants, cafes, and local stores. It was also a great location for day trips around Umbria.

    We have rented homes before, but we have never been as thrilled as we were with our week at Villa Lunario. In fact, it was even more beautiful than the pictures on the website. Thank you for one of the best vacations we have ever had.

    Mike and Donna
    Thank you so much for the wonderful time here. It was AMAZING!!! We did so much and your guide was very helpfull with the shops and restaurants... This week has been so good, the house beautiful and both of your cats very cute! Staying here inspired my painting and drawing! We have to come back soon
    Isabel, Kerri and Tim from Sydney
    We have found a kindred soul in the owner. Someone who enjoys the process as much more than the finished product! She is wonderful and the house is wonderful! Her love and devotion to the house shows in every detail. She has done a spectacular job in the decoration and design in and out of the house! We had a lovely time in Spello. Thank you for the recommendations for towns to visit. It was so hard to choose! Spello is the most beautiful one!! We loved: View, the pool, the espresso machine, the whole yard, the great design magazines, the Bang and Olufsen Sound System and the CD selection, the terracotta pots filled with the little orange flowers, the garden design. WE LOVED EVERTHING !!!! All this little details that make a house a home!
    Thanks for everything.
    Nancy and family from USA
    Thank you so much for allowing us the use of your obviously much loved and beautiful house! We have had a marvelous week in Umbria - but we enjoyed your home and Spello so much we rarely left! Many lovely lunches and happy "aperitivos" enjoying the view from your terrace. A perfect destination for us all, we would love to return soon. Great views, great food, great wine!! Thanks Denise, Dave, Chloe and Melissa from England
    Lovely house, lovely town, just a perfect week!
    Kate and friends from Sydney Australia
    We had a wonderful week in Spello and the Villa is perfect in any way! We loved the beautiful ambiance of the house and the wonderful garden with the amazing view!!! We enjoyed every minute and we are very sad to leave. But we will come back for sure! Umbria is so beautiful and Spello the most charming village. Nancy and Alan
    The previous guests have said it all! Quite simpy it was a perfect stay! Thank you for your kind hospitality. Lunario is beautiful and Spello is so gorgeous.
    David, Betty, Harold and Sally
    Our 2 weeks in your Villa has come to the end. How we have enjoyed every moment of our time here in Umbria. This villa is FABULOUS, so perfect in every way! We enjoyed every second that we spent in the house and in the wonderful garden with the amazing view
    It was truly our HOME during this time because you made it so. Umbria and Spello are beautiful. Thanks for everything.
    Marie and Rick
    We had a great time in Spello. What can we say, the house is SPECTACULAR and the views are AMAZING! The week we spent here was special, we have never been more relaxed. We will definitly. Be back!
    Thank you for everything, your attention to detail is extraordinary.
    Thanks for the memories!
    Mark and friends

    Thanks....we loved everything about your wonderful home, including YOU and will tell all our friends about your villa and encourage them to come.
    We will always have fantastic memories of our visit.
    We were all so impressed with the region, the people and especially the way you made all of us feel like family!!
    Your attention to every detail make us very happy.
    We dicovered a lot of charming hill towns in Umbria and Spello is just wonderful! Hopefully we will be back to your "slice of heaven"
    Love Carol and the whole family

    Just wanted to send a note to thank you and owner too.
    Lunario was BEAUTIFUL! Umbria was enchanting! We had such a wonderful time. Owner was an exceptional hostess and her home is decorated to perfection. There wasn't a single night during our stay that we didn't enjoy the outdoor eating area, the amazing views, and the wonderful smells from the garden. It was lovely. We'll be recommending the villa to all of our friends for their next vacations.

    Best regards,
    Thank you for your email. We will be happy to write about our experience which was terrific.
    We loved the villa! It is truly beautiful and the atmosphere is lovely. It has so much charm. Owner has great taste.
    We also thought she was so gracious. She made us feel at home, was very helpful, warm and generous.
    Her advice was superb and this will be a vacation we will not forget - just magical.
    We will definitely return!
    Thank you again.
    My best Orit
    Lovely Villa (and beautifully decorated), lovely lcation, lovely village (Spello) and especially lovely hosting by Andrea.

    She was particularly helpful with local suggestions and bookings/post office enquiries which would be worth publicising if this is usual for her.

    Our stay was one of the highlights of our time in Europe

    Can you pass on our thanks

    Mike and Natalie
    Thank you so much for a wonderful week in Umbria. This holidays where magic for all of us and we adored the villa. It is one of the most beautiful holiday homes we ever had! thank you for all the advice you gave us. (we loved the restaurants so much, now we are on diet for the next weeks!) Lunario is magic!! (the kids loved the Ethnic Bedroom).
    From Boston USA
    Nach vielen Jahren Urlaub in der Toskana haben wir uns dieses Jahr fuer Umbrien entschieden. Unsere hohen Erwartungen wurden nicht entaeuscht! Spello ist wunderschoenes Dorf, Lunario ist mit Sicherheit das "charmanteste Ferienhaus" das wir je gemietet haben. Der wunderbare Garten mit dem schoenen Blick auf die Umbriesche Landschaft, das Haus mit seinen sehr persoenlich gestalteten
    Zimmern, die perfekt eingerichtete Kueche und das tolle Wohnzimmer, alles war einfach wunderschoen und harmonisch. Wir haben viele schoene Staedte entdeckt und die Tipps von Andrea waren alle sehr wertvoll. Die Menschen und die hervorragende Kueche haben uns
    sehr beeindruckt, und alles ist wirklich noch sehr preiswert im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Gegenden Italiens!! Wir kommen wieder! Danke und Liebe Gruesse
    Traumhaft gelegene, sehr charmante Villa mit wunderschönem Patio und Garten, beide mit wunderbaren Blick über die umbrischen
    Hügel. Alles ist so harmonisch und geschmackvoll eingerichtet, jedes Detail mit viel Liebe gemacht, wir wollten gar nicht mehr raus aus diesem Paradies mitten im typisch italienischen Dorf Spello. Wir kommen wieder, denn Umbrien und ganz besonders Spello sind mehrere Reisen wert.

max. Aufnahmefähigkeit 6 Gast The number of guests selected is higher than the maximum capacity
gewählter Zeitraum
Nicht verfügbar
zur Zeit nicht verfügbar

Um diese Villa sofort zu buchen, ist Kreditkartenzahlung erforderlich
